Saturday, February 26, 2011

mid term part 2

a. How did your images contribute to your website? What purpose did they serve?
The images showed 4 examples of different ways to hold the drumsticks. This was key in illustrating the description listed above the images on the page.

b. What challenges did you experience in displaying your images properly on your web page?
Luckily there were no challenges. The images centered without any troubleshooting and the border keeps them looking clean and neat.

c. How did understanding the box model assist you creating borders, padding and margins around your images?

the box model was very helpful. it allowed me to see exactly where the changes to padding and margin would be made and allowed me to space my images from the text above and below without any trouble or guessing.

d. How does the placement of your hr tag assist users of your website?

the hr tag keeps a divider between my image examples and the text above the videos on each page. it keeps people from wondering where one example begins and ends.

e. How did the enhancements to your navigation improve your web site?

the navigation was improved aesthetically, and when hovering over the links they look better and stand out more than the navigation i had set up before.

f. Add a link to your web site within your blog posting
midterm part 2 link

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