Friday, February 18, 2011

Midterm - Amy Petit

A) I thought it was really helpful to refer back to the practice code we had written in class as a starting place for this web site. Making the wireframe mockup really helped to organize how I was going to section off the site.

B) My web site focuses on recipes that my husband and I have discovered while traveling. It’s mainly Mediterranean cuisine and my target audience is both men and women, 30+ who love to travel and cook. For those reasons I’ve chosen to use rich reds and orange colors complimented by an olive green. I’ve kept the layout very simple and tried to provide resources that the reader would find useful.

C) I’ve tested this in Safari, Firefox (on MAC & PC) and Chrome. When I was trying to make the “visited” link color different, I noticed discrepancies in the way Safari and Firefox displayed that. I also noticed a difference in the way Safari displays the paragraph copy.

D) Styling the navigation was a challenge because, as we figured out in class, it had to be tied to the id selector #nav I had defined. Once I was able to get that to work - the way the other links were styled made much more sense.

E) I had a few missed semi-colons and end curly braces that was causing some errors in validating. I had also forgotten to enclose the span tag in a p tag which validated but caused a big difference in Safari in some text.

F) I tried to make sure the code was well-formed to make it easier to find my errors. I also validated as I went along so I could fix problems right away.

G) Here is a link to my site - I hope you like it!

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