Saturday, February 26, 2011

midterm part 2- challenging.

The images brought real personality to my site. I chose images that were colorful and would complement the colors of my site (for instance the first image you see, Sicilia's pants match the background color).

This part was incredibly challenging for me. I am not sure why. I think I get the o/a concept, but I wasn't sure when to use what where. Perhaps its just me needing more practice. every now and then I would have an image epiphany, and that would just screw something else up. Although it validated OK, I'm honestly not feeling confident in this yet. All that said, I really do like the concept of the box model and see that it can be pretty powerful when used properly.

The hr tag was nice supplement to the layout in that it really ties all the pieces together. I can see how it could possibly be over used in design and become part of poor design, and one should be aware of this when coding a web layout.

I think navigation is one of the more under appreciated elements on a web site. there is so much to them design and coding wise, and they are constantly used, but it's not what people go to the site for. That said, I think having interesting but perhaps subtle navigation is important and I enjoyed learning how to make them.

here is a link to my site: 2/Part2

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