Friday, February 25, 2011

Midterm Part 2 - Amy Petit

A) I used the images to convey the feeling of fresh ingredients and the area that these recipes come from. I tried to use them sparingly and in the places that they would have the most impact (i.e. the page header & tops of pages).

B) I was challenged in figuring out how to center and size the images appropriately without them wrapping to the next line. When I first placed the images they were stretched out of proportion and it took a little digging to realize that I had applied a value to "img" and used it in my header. I created separate classes for the header and the page pictures and that allowed the images to display correctly.

C) The box model helped in spacing the photos & navigation images and creating the spaces between the border and content.

D) I used the"hr" tag to separate the recipes and region areas. It really helped to visually break up the information in smaller areas and add to the readability of the site.

E) I think the addition of an image makes the navigation stand out more. I would like to understand how to swap the image as a rollover to make it even more visually effective. By using the "alt" text to describe the navigation it also adds to the accessibility.

F) Here is the link to my revised site:

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