Saturday, February 26, 2011

Part Two Midterm

a. How did your images contribute to your website? What purpose did they serve?
They help the page look pretty good, accent it in a couple of ways.
b. What challenges did you experience in displaying your images properly on your web page?
I felt like this had been an uphill battle with rollerblades for me. I've been working on this all week and just couldn't get the pictures to match up with my color scheme, I couldn't even get them to appear properly for a good hour, it was silly.
c. How did understanding the box model assist you creating borders, padding and margins around your images?
I don't really know what a box model is, but I worked on the borders and padding the best I could. DON'T stay home sick on a class day. Freaking sucks.
d. How does the placement of your hr tag assist users of your website?
?? I'm sorry I don't know the answer...
e. How did the enhancements to your navigation improve your web site?
I made buttons for the page, giving a bit more flair I believe.
f. Add a link to your web site within your blog posting

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