Saturday, February 26, 2011

Midterm Part 2: Andrew Vernon

A) I feel my images made my site look fantastic, I couldn't be happier. I included some original artwork on the home page, and some images of the beers I reviewed on their corresponding pages. I also created a header with my horrible photoshop skills, but I think it looks cool. I added a motion blur effect to the beer cans to make a point that these beers make you tipsy.

B) The only challenge I had with the images is that I accidentally made them way too huge. 600px wide isn't a good idea, but I fixed that. I followed what we did in class to help walk me through the block model ... I mean box model.

C) I kind of get the box model now, with the help of the in class practice of course. I like adding the border to the image, it gives it a nice framed appearance.

D) I used the hr tag to separate each of the discussions within the review pages. I think it helps to separate the content a little better and it looks nice.

E) The navigation really stands out now with the box around it. I think it is safe to assume that the navigation is easy to use and everyone should see it. It gives it more of a "button" feel.

F) View my site

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