Saturday, February 26, 2011

Midterm Part 2

a. How did your images contribute to your website? What purpose did they serve?
The images definitely brought a little bit of life to the website. I think their main purpose was just making it more attractive and visually defining the topic of each page.

b. What challenges did you experience in displaying your images properly on your web page?
The main challenge for me was getting them centered. I originally looked online and found a site that suggested adding the "center" tag before and after, and although this worked, it did not validate. Eventually I went on I think it was w3schools? might have been html dog, I'm not sure, but either way I discovered that adding a class to the img styling making it and adding the class="center" into your html centers the image and validates.

c. How did understanding the box model assist you creating borders, padding and margins around your images?
I'm a big fan of the box model. I don't always think the padding is necessary because in a sense it seems to create two borders for the images, but I still like the look of it. Overall the box model is very helpful in creating a clean and polished look for images.

d. How does the placement of your hr tag assist users of your website?

The hr tag was kind of an afterthought for me. It didn't really have too much functionality for me in my site, so it was more of "where can I fit this thing into my site?" type of deal. I do understand the purpose of it though and can imagine that on future sites in my career it would be useful for breaking up a page.

e. How did the enhancements to your navigation improve your web site?

I actually really liked the enhancements to my navigation. I initially was resistant because I liked having all of my nav encased in one box with a border, but once I started messing around with my styling, I began to really enjoy the look of the separate borders and how they began to look like buttons as opposed to just links. My only regret is that somehow I did not notice that after the links are clicked, the boxes disappear. I tested my site multiple times so I'm not sure how this got past me, but it is not intentional so I apologize for that. I will have to fix it next time I am able.

f. Add a link to your web site within your blog posting
My Astrology Site

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