Friday, February 25, 2011

Midterm Part 2 - Megan McFadden

A: I really like how putting the images into the website made it feel more complete. I added an image header because I hated the plain heading text that was up there, I think it adds more character this way. The other images I added help the viewer see what an Australian Shepherd Looks like and how they behave.

B: I only had trouble trying to figure out how to center an image. With some research, I found that you need to use "text-align: center;" in your CSS to center the image.

C: I really liked learning about the box model. Once I understood how it worked, I figured out that by doing some simple math I was able to get the padding to work in my main content areas without having my content shift all over the place. It is nice having text that is not touching the border.

D: I couldn't really figure out where an hr tag would be useful on my site, so I placed it below the h2 tags in my main content area. I think it helps to separate the content a little bit better.

E: I honestly don't like the way my navigation looks. I'm excited to add images as my navigation to give it a bit more character and hopefully it will make it look less boxy.

F: Link to my website

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