Saturday, February 19, 2011

Midterm Part One

6. Journal your learning experience
a. What worked well?
Well, I'm not sure wh
b. Who is your target audience? What design choices did choose to attract your audience to your site?
My target audience would be people who have an interest in learning more about astrology and would like a brief introduction. I feel like astrology triggers more earthy colors, so I chose browns and reds and colors found in nature. I wanted the site to be warm and inviting.
c. What browsers did you test in? What differences did you see?
I tested in firefox, opera, and internet explorer. I noticed in opera that my page on signs got a little bit weird on the spacing. I'm not sure why that was since it stayed normal in both explorer and firefox.
d. What troubleshooting did you experience?
It's hard for me to recall what troubleshooting errors I encountered. I think I just had a couple of open tags here and there that validating helped me to find and fix.
e. Describe your validating experience.
Validating was very easy and helpful. I like that it gives you the exact line number to reference.
f. What best practices discussed in class assisted in your productivity.
I think the ones that I focused on the most were making sure the navigation was easy to find, and keeping my text broken up and spaced out so as not to appear overwhelming.

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