Saturday, February 19, 2011

Part One Midterm

a. What worked well?

I was very happy with how the color scheme worked, I worked and finished it before I had done much of anything else. I didn't like trying to get the text to align the way I wanted to. So I ended up changing it.
b. Who is your target audience? What design choices did choose to attract your audience to
your site?

My target audience is my Boyfriend, Caleb. I chose these colors cause they simply have been our color scheme pretty much our whole relationship.

c. What browsers did you test in? What differences did you see?

I tested in Chrome, Firefox, and Explorer. I didn't see much of a difference in any of them.

d. What troubleshooting did you experience?

The text, was a big issue, plus I've had trouble with the one image. I can't figure our how to center it either

e. Describe your validating experience.

Validated with no problem ^^

f. What best practices discussed in class assisted in your productivity.

The way the code should look.

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