Friday, February 18, 2011

Midterm Part I - Megan McFadden

A) I think I accidentally tried to make my site too complex by using the 2 column layout. The only thing I think really worked well were the links and color scheme, the layout itself still needs some work. I'm really looking forward to learning more about padding next week so my text isn't touching the edges of everything.

B) My target audience is dog lovers in general, which can include anyone of any gender and age group. I tried to keep my colors neutral, and actually chose colors to highlight the "Blue Merle" and "Red Tri" colorings found in Australian Shepherds. I used a photo of my Aussie with Kuler to pick the color scheme. I attempted to create a layout that I thought would be organized and easy to follow and would also allow plenty of room for information.

C) I tested my site in Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome. I'm happy to say that they all tested out just fine! The only major difference I noticed was that the text of the site appears smoother in Internet Explorer than it did in Firefox or Chrome. As much as I dislike Internet Explorer, I like how it displays the text better.

D) The only troubleshooting I experienced was getting the color to my side column to extend down to the bottom of the page along with the main column when the main column stretches further (I hope that makes sense). Anyhow, if you look at the "activities" page, you'll see what I mean. I found a way to fix this using faux columns, which can be explained here
at A List Apart. I plan on fixing this next week when we begin using images. I also had trouble with padding for some reason so I omitted it this time around since we will be working on it next week.

E) I had absolutely no problems validating which made me very happy!

F) I did my best to keep an organized, consistent, centered layout to provide a pleasant experience for the viewer. I also made sure that my links are clearly labeled and my text is easy to read.


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