Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Midterm Part 1

a. What worked well?
Having the blank sheet to work with really helped start me off. I used the practice css and html to help make a checklist of things that needed to be included in the site.

b. Who is your target audience? What design choices did choose to attract your audience to your site?

My target audience is any level drummer and those interested in info about drumming. I chose a simple color scheme that I think I may simplify even more, to give the website a basic feel.

c. What browsers did you test in? What differences did you see?
I tested in IE and Firefox. I noticed firefox occasionally shifted things a little which is still unresolved.

d. What troubleshooting did you experience?
I had to get the embedded videos centered which took a few tries, and I also had to space out the text and add a wrapper.

e. Describe your validating experience.
Unfortunately I didn't validate prior to making a few final changes which came to include quite a few validation errors. Before making changes the website validated fine in both XHTML and CSS.

f. What best practices discussed in class assisted in your productivity.

making class and id selectors really helped me out. span classes were helpful


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