Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Midterm Part 2

A. How did your images contribute to your website? What purpose did they serve?

They can get the visual of what the restaurant looks like and the ambiance.

B. What challenges did you experience in displaying your images properly on your web?

I had lots of challenges positioning my images. Not happy with the quality of my images.

I know I could do better; I just did not have enough time.

C. How did understanding the box model assist you creating borders, padding and margin around your images?

It was very helpful. I had fun experimenting with the box model

D. How does the placement of your hr tag assist users of your website?

It helped me organized my website. I used it as a divider for my navigation and text.

E. How did the enhancement to your navigation improve your web site?

I think it makes the navigation looks more appealing.

My Link

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