Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mid Term Project Part 2 Blog
A. How did your images contribute to your website? What purpose did they serve?
The images I used all had some text or graphics indicating "truck stop's", so the purpose and contribution are=,
similar to speeking to traveling people in foreign lands, use pictures and (bright colors)?
analagy:a picture of a taco or hamburger with a arrow will get better results then the text "taco or hamburger" to
the non speaking kind.
b. What challenges did you experience in displaying your images properly on your web page?
Fiding a square border or solid horizontal line , but by seeing the
and seeing how it went
down 1 or 2 lines per
how eventually the
line did form a solid line, then I knew I had a square box or
reference to work with .
c. How did understanding the box model assist you creating borders, padding and margins around your images?
It worked really good when I changed my css id to # other then (.) tag Im still having problems of when to use a . or #
for ,wait class id =.and id class=# , but the box model was verry straight foward and easy to use when you have a solid right angle
box model

d. How does the placement of your hr tag assist users of your website?
It creates a parameter of inner and outer to me. The consistants such as heading and footer tags, navigator buttons,
so to me I will choose the more like a twinkie w/the filling being the content of the pages.
e. How did the enhancements to your navigation improve your web site?
They really created a target style focus on the navigation keys, so I think Im going to have to learn to blend
the colors and images over over emphasis.

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