Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sadie Final

a. Who is your target audience? What design choices did choose to attract your audience to
your site?

Fellow ceramics artists.

b. What troubleshooting did you experience?

Easy, once I figured out how to do the navigation.

c. How did the images you use contribute to your website’s purpose? Did your CSS style
add to the “siteness” of your website?

They were the main purpous of the site.

d. What style choices did you make to improve the readability of your table?

Easy sweet to understand words.

e. How did the media you created contribute to the purpose of your website? What plugins does the end user need to display-play?

It helped explain what a wood kiln is. Flash.

f. Describe your validating experience.
Easy! Nothing was wrong!!! :DDDD
g. How did integrating SEO best practice change or improve your website?

I had to think about the wording for everything!

i. Please respond to all SEO questions here

a. Keywords
b. Metatag
c. Links
d. Content
e. Hierarch

I used Google Ads to choose the wording for my website. Through out my website I mentioned Ceramics, pottery, plates, bowls, sculptures.

h. Discuss your browser lab experience. Will you continue using the browser labs?
As long as it is free certainly. The page doesn't look to different between all of them. Goggle was off slightly from all the other pages.

i. Discuss all testing requirements.
I passed Cynthia ^^


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