Thursday, March 3, 2011

mid term part 1 blog

Journal your learning experience

a. What worked well?
after getting use to the #nav multiple times other then only a 1 use funtion, getting to see a balance w/div enclosures

b. Who is your target audience? What design choices did choose to attract your audience to
your site?
on the road truck drivers., hungry,. thirsty .,tired, smokers and drinkers, you know your common everyday working person.
trying to simulate a dry hot dusty day on a highway in a desert highway, because to me that means if you see a place to
eat it my be your last chance.
c. What browsers did you test in?
What differences did you see? black and white color defaults
d. What troubleshooting did you experience? very diffacult sometimes , but it sticks with you longer i hope ,because you
tried everything else first.
e. Describe your validating experience.
good and satisfying when you learn to resolve quicker.

f. What best practices discussed in class assisted in your productivity?
div classes and using css as the primary(1st place) for controll and power

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