Thursday, March 10, 2011

David peterson FINAL


A.) my target audience is families to young adults looking to purchase a pet for them and their families. The design choices that I chose was a dark background a lighter style heading with black text upon the light heading along with monotone like colors such as white gray and black for easy overall look and feel

b.) Experienced some troubleshooting when I had to deal with the table once again also I had to deal with the problem with the OL and UL sharing LI tags and yet having different CSS values for each.

C.) the images contributed to my website by adding both a humorous and emotional response to human feelings by applying its two people sympathy for animals in need by using pictures of cats that seem to need a good home. My CSS style deed at my site and is by giving a nice soft look to the overall website was creating a more natural feel to the website in the business style of wanting to help animals as a business

D.) I changed the heading top piece of the table to match the same style as the heading tags and increase the font size making it more easy to read for the elderly and those who cannot read smaller text.

E.) the media contributed to my website because I chose a piece that talks about adopting at the events are happening in real time and the anyone can join and choose to bring a new family member home with them which is the point of this website. Adobe flash player would be the main plug-in that someone would need to be able to play this media.

F.) my validation experience actually went pretty well I didn't seem to occur very many validation errors mainly due to useful reusable code in good best practices.

G.) integrating ST oh best practices was very interesting and loudly be a go and see the use for meta-tags but not only this but also to see how useful keywords are truly for search engines and much more.


a.) By the use of keywords and using Google ad-words defines select keywords such as "the right pet" I have used these to create good select keywords that people will use inside of search engines increasing my overall chance for people to see my website.

b.) By using SCO meta- tag is allowed me to index my web pages would allow me to be able to create a more effective overall looking web-page.

c.) By the use of links this will increase my usability to my visitors that see my web-page making easier to navigate and more likely for them to remain on my web-page increasing my stickiness as it says in the book.

d.) The contents I've placed inside my web-pages are filled with a congruent theme to help pets in need of a home in need of adoption to get them off the streets.

e.) My style hierarchy using as SEO has allowed my web-page to be more efficient looking at overall more usable to my visitors making it look professional and more like a business is that of a simple civilian website.

H.) my browser lab experience was rather interesting I do believe that I will continue to use it mainly due because the fact I'm unable to see any competitors doing the exact same style of side-by-side display like this also I find it's a valuable resource to see what functions and what doesn't. It was very nice to be able to see the differences in advantages and disadvantages in different styles of coding within different styles of Internet browsers.

I.) after performing all the test requirements list was requested of me on this assignment I have to say that I find it very reassuring that they have a strict code the webpages should be kept to for good re-usability for future websites and more I also like that the accessibility testers help you to be able to learn what it is you need to put on your website to help those who are disabled to be one of fully experience your website to the best of your ability to code.


TESTING i seem to have passed most of the test requirements for her accessibility website
M. 508 Standards, Section 1194.22, (m) When a web page requires that an applet, plug-in or other application be present on the client system to interpret page content, the page must provide a link to a plug-in or applet that complies with §1194.21(a) through (l).

* Rule: 6.3.5 - All OBJECT elements are required to contain element content.
o No OBJECT elements found in document body.
* Rule: 6.3.6 - All APPLET elements are required to contain both element content and the alt attribute.
o No APPLET elements found in document body.
* Rule: 6.3.7 - When EMBED Elements are used, the NOEMBED element is required in the document.
o No EMBED elements found in document body.
* Rule: 6.3.8 - All pages that have links to files that require a special reader or plug-in are required to contain the specified text indicating a link to the reader or plug-in.
o Note: This rule has not been selected to be verified for this checkpoint.


L. 508 Standards, Section 1194.22, (l) When pages utilize scripting languages to display content, or to create interface elements, the information provided by the script shall be identified with functional text that can be read by assistive technology.

* Rule: 6.3.1 - Anchor elements are required not to use javascript for the link target when the NOSCRIPT element is not present in the document. These elements will not cause a failure of the checkpoint if the NOSCRIPT element is found, however, they will be identified.
o No Anchor elements that use javascript for the link target were found in document body.
* Rule: 6.3.2 - AREA elements are required not to use javascript for the link target when the NOSCRIPT element is not present in the document. These elements will not cause a failure of the checkpoint if the NOSCRIPT element is found, however, they will be identified.
o No AREA Elements found in document body.
* Rule: 6.3.3 - Locate elements that use HTML event handlers.
o Note: This rule has not been selected to be verified for this checkpoint.
* Rule: 6.3.4 - When SCRIPT Elements are used, the NOSCRIPT element is required in the document.
o No SCRIPT elements found in document.


A. 508 Standards, Section 1194.22, (a) A text equivalent for every non-text element shall be provided (e.g., via "alt", "longdesc", or in element content).

* Rule: 1.1.1 - All IMG elements are required to contain either the alt or the longdesc attribute.
o No invalid IMG elements found in document body.
* Rule: 1.1.2 - All INPUT elements are required to contain the alt attribute or use a LABEL.
o No INPUT Elements found within document
* Rule: 1.1.3 - All OBJECT elements are required to contain element content.
o No OBJECT elements found in document body.
* Rule: 1.1.4 - All APPLET elements are required to contain both element content and the alt attribute.
o No APPLET elements found in document body.
* Rule: 1.1.6 - All IFRAME elements are required to contain element content.
o No IFRAME elements found in document body.
* Rule: 1.1.7 - All Anchor elements found within MAP elements are required to contain the alt attribute.
o No MAP elements found in document body.
* Rule: 1.1.8 - All AREA elements are required to contain the alt attribute.
o No AREA elements found in document body.
* Rule: 1.1.9 - When EMBED Elements are used, the NOEMBED element is required in the document.
o No EMBED elements found in document body.


Accessibility testing

the first link I chose was the link to Google as a means to help others find my website and also to give Google credit in helping others to find my web page thus having a two fold effect to make Google more accepting of my website onto there linked pages ( of course i would need Google's permission for this but I'm quite confident they would accept once i spoke with them over it )

The second link i chose was to w3schools to help theirs to learn how to build there own website and to also give w3schools credit for helping me to build there website this will inspire competition and increase economy between my company and others also will increase w3schools over all influx of people again making it so they are happy with me (again after i request for then to allow me to do so )

Usability overview

Designed my website to enhance user experience by highlighting all the links with a bright background for easy accessibility and maneuverability through the web-pages I also highlighted around each pitcher with a border color picture that was bright yet also monotone so not to make people want to leave the websites due to the color I included some humorous pictures to invoke emotion within the website and also to increase likeliness that people want to purchase a very cute cats or give them the idea that they are going to purchase a cute cats like ones on the pictures I included a very extensive gallery with very nice pictures and borders around them give each one a crystal-clear look and feel making it look professional.

Testing in adobe browser lab

Chrome 8.0-windows

Firefox-OS X

I explorer 8.0 windows

ii.) some of the wording was bigger then others but over all was pretty much exactly the same

iii.) adjusted some of the text to make it seem more alike one another

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