Sunday, March 13, 2011

Final Website

My final website provides info about the (deceased) sci-fi writer, Philip K. Dick. Some popular movies he penned were: "Blade Runner", "Total Recall", "Minority Report", "Paycheck", "Next", and the newest one, "Adjustment Bureau".
a) The target audience would be sci-fi readers familiar with his books, and a cross-over user who is familiar with his movies. I chose colors and treated images to reflect a dreamlike, fractured reality, hyper world state consistent with his story lines.
b) Troubleshooting problems - I ran into a little problem getting the elements to flow to the right of the vertical nav buttons. I realized I needed a div class to contain the elements that I wanted to position neatly in that area. Overall there was a lot of margin tweaking throughout the project.
c) I had fun creating the strange treatments to the Photoshop elements. The blinking eye nav buttons were the first thing I thought of when I chose this subject. The CSS for some of the images applied a border that was consistent with the colors in the site and treatment to the page header.
d) The table's readability was enhanced by the use of sans-serif type in the table columns and headers. The table headers and table caption were bolded and reversed against darker backgrounds.
e) The media shows a trailer to the latest movie made from one of his stories, "Adjustment Bureau". The media used was embedded from YouTube's old embedding code, so I don't believe it requires special plug-ins.
f) I found a few cut/paste mistakes while validating. I find my validating style is to do the index page, then validate it. Then dupe that page to start producing the rest of the site. When I have all pages created, I validate often, and even more so towards the very end of the production process.
g) The addition of metatag description and keywords that were used throughout the site supports SEO practices. Promotion included the inclusion of expected user search words for sites of this topic. I checked on the Google's Adword Keyword tool and added "books" to my keywords. Inclusion of links to other sites probably visited by someone searching this subject supports SEO. I used well-formed code, and variable descriptive titles in the head section of the XHTML code.
h) Browser Lab - I was surprised by some unexpected results with some of the browsers. I tested Firefox 3.6 for Windows, and found it didn't display the YouTube media I embedded. Odd, because it works fine on my Firefox 3.6 for MAC. I also checked on Explorer 7.0 which appeared to be quirky about recognizing some margin attributes while Explorer 8.0 did fine. Chrome did an awful job representing the fonts throughout the site. I tried to fix one of the faults I noticed in Explorer 7.0 - the background color of the nav hover link. But when I rechecked afterward, the misrepresented color persisted. I assume it was a "refresh" problem on the SWS, or something I could not immediately address if it was an Explorer problem. I will continue to use Browser Lab.
i) I checked and passed the accessibility testing on "". CSS and XHTML code validated as uploaded, and all links functioned - internal and external. One page contains a lengthy list of books, so I added a "Go To Top of Page" link for quick navigation. Other pages do not have this much depth, so they did not require this link.
j) My
CAS206 Final Website

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