Friday, March 4, 2011

Sicilia - mt part 3

1. I placed my table on page two ("fun"). I found it was easiest to use simplified copy when creating a table. Long sentences seemed cumbersome and not visually appealing. on that same thought, I used shortend dates (9/26 vs. September 26)

2. I left aligned the copy. I also used colors that were already used in the website. I also center justified the video as most of the copy on the site was also centered.

3. The website is as much about the city of Waxahachie as it is about Sicilia. That said, I chose a video about the maint street of the town (I also mention the main street in the copy).

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong....doesn't seem that difficult: insert link. is the link again:


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