Monday, March 14, 2011

Final Project- Rob P.
a. Who is your target audience? General everyday person for a good retail experience.
hat design choices did choose to attract your audience to your site? alot of colors and images , and detailed lines and borders.
b. What troubleshooting did you experience? css control powers and overides , I did get my roll overs to work ,
but lost my text on my buttons.
c. How did the images you use contribute to your website’s purpose? Trying to bring a person into the retail location by using a store front
image , to give the person a sight that they are at the location. Did your CSS style add to the “siteness” of your website?
yes it really did , so much easyer to try color and text choices.
d. What style choices did you make to improve the readability of your table? using the adope kolors site , and using darker shades
for text and borders and lighter colors for the innerds.
e. How did the media you created contribute to the purpose of your website? not really to much , I dont know if a link out
is what you want ,cause your trying to bring the person in. What plugins does the end user need to display-play?shockwave and flash.
f. Describe your validating experience. "Always getting better and always learning something new".
g. How did integrating SEO best practice change or improve your website? Bring the strings attached to one web site , where all the concepts
merge into 1 entity.
i. Please respond to all SEO questions here :
a. Keywords- medicak, health ,healing aids,oitments, words describing health healing aids.
b. Metatag- a word to describe the web sites all arpund value , such in the instance "super pharmacy"
c. Links-could think of any links that would benefit this site , once again I dont think its necassarily the best alternative
to direct people to more competion in the market sector.
d. Content - trying to put a retail and service into a balance with a small town feeling
e. Hierarch- all pages where linked together thru a navigation control board and all pages are accesible
h. Discuss your browser lab experience. Will you continue using the browser labs? good, real encouraging , but realizing
with low level browsers you probably wont have any color.
i. Discuss all testing requirements.- testin g worked out find no problems
j. Add a link to your web site within your blog posting

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