Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Our class blog is a place where students share their learning experiences as part of their web site projects. It is a fun way to connect with your peers as well as document your process to meet the project requirements. Students will receive an invitation to join our class blog once they post their email address to the Blog Invite discussion.

Students should post a quick hello to the class once they have received an invitation. When posting to requirements for a project, please include your name (alias) and Project Name in the title.

I look forward to reading your learning journeys!


  1. hello all David Peterson here great to see you all! hope your doing well in class and see you next week!

  2. Hey Ya'll :P This is you friendly Weirdy, Sadie, Popping in to say hi! See Ya'll on Wednesday.

  3. Hi All! Look forward to working with you in class!

  4. Oh hi. Mike Neland here. Just stopping by top say "Oh hi. Mike Neland here." Gonna be an awesome 3 months... Or is it two months? Oh well. Stay gold people.


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.